jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008

Merry Christmas / Féliz Navidad

We wish you a very Happy Christmas. We´ll be here until the morning of the 23rd and then we can all go home and not return until the 8th of January.

The Christmas cards our department has chosen to greet you with are by Maria Izquierdo García of class 3F and Myriam González Céspedes of class 3E. We picked them from among the runner-ups of the Art Department´s Christmas Card contest. You can see all the cards including the contest winners in the entrance hall of our school.

jueves, 19 de junio de 2008

Holidays, kids!

As of June 18 you kids are on holiday! We teachers have to wait till the end of June. Enjoy yourselves, rest if you´ve done well, study a bit if you haven´t and all will go well during the September tests.

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

Contests / Concursos

Blarney Contest Winners:

Local Stories
- Jennifer Izquierdo and Aurelio Cano for "The Littlewell Whale." (already published in Michael
Toora´s Blog)
- Verónica Alcaide, Mónica Caro, Amanda Segura and Miriam Segura, for "The Legend of the
Jealous Man." (this will come in handy when we discuss Henry the VIIIth and others like him) - Pedro Gónzalez and Carlos Manuel Jara for "Truth or Falsehood" (perfect for religious
tolerance and fraternal wars)

Local Festivals
- Germán Martín and Francisco Campos for "The Celebration of the Judas in Miguelturra."
(serves to prove that you can´t kill what you hate. It´s there again next year.)

Best Collection of Local Photos:
- MariAngeles González.

Honorary Mentions:
- Ignacio Sánchez, Diego Arasa and Andrés López for "The Mystery of the Hanged Man"
(already edited and published in the school magazine)
- Manuel Reina for "A Widow"
- Alvaro García Punzón for "Suspicious Images"

Nuño Paéz Award:

We are beginning to think ghosts don´t exist. There was no way we could find Nuño. Even the school magazine got him wrong. The section called "El Cruzado de los Dos Maravedíes" is really "El Calatravo de los Dos Maravedíes". Somehow we got it wrong. And nobody noticed when the first issue came out. We only noticed when we saw the second issue published.

We are not the kind to be discouraged. We will keep looking. Some things are difficult to see at first.

However, since there have been sightings of ghostly knights that could have been Nuño, we´ve decided to split the prize among the people who went ghost hunting and sent us pictures of possible Nuños. They are: Ricardo Céspedes, Sofía Barba, Lorenzo López and Raúl López.

Javier García, David Fernández and Daniel Huertas have also provided us with a picture of someone who could have been Nuño, as well as with a burnt down haunted house, "The House of Cats."

We have a lot more useful material from other kids, all of which we do mean to use. Slowly, but surely. What we have done this year will be in the blog next year for us to use in class and to serve as an example to others. Thank you all for your work.


This was to be an exhibit for Earth Day and not a contest, but there were so many and all interesting in their own way that we decided to give three awards, though it was very difficult to choose:
To Sandra Garcia for her bird and lizard haigas.
To Lorena Carrasco for her haiga on children on sleds and her really mature way of understanding a classmate´s sense of humour.
To Elvira Infante for her speaking hands haiga.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2008

April 21 and 22 are field days to be dedicated to cultural activities. It was suggested by some of our pupils that we raise funds to help animals. The English department has invited the local SPCA to visit our school and give a lecture on their activities. We hope everyone will contribute generously. We also hope you will all participate in the art exhibit we are organizing by contributing haiga in English and in Spanish.

On Thursday, April 24 there will be a test for students with English as a back subject. Only those who haven´t passed the second assessement of the course they are actually in must take it. It will be at fifth hour. We will meet at the door to the English department and then occupy the English classrooms. Be on time.

domingo, 24 de febrero de 2008


Some of us have been on an outing to the theatre (Feb. 13) and some others have gone to the cinema (Feb. 19). We all had a good time and learned a thing or two and are thinking of repeating these outings next year.

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008

Deadline and Piñata

Remember. February 14 is the deadline for the Blarney Contest. Win the prize money and buy your boyfriend/girlfriend a token of your love.

We´re tired of waiting. We´re going to hit the streets personally and crash the Domingo de Piñata Parade with a camera. Is that Whit Sunday? Let´s look it up.

Some teachers already hit the streets last weekend. We want photos. Can they be persuaded? Why is everyone so camera shy?

jueves, 10 de enero de 2008

We´re back!

Hi! We´re back from our Christmas holidays. May we all have a Happy New Year!